Our story

Best services and consulting for business

We are an IT ideas IT consulting company that was founded in 2007 year. We have worked with both successful and newcomer companies. In our work, we use only the newest techniques that help our clients to increase their popularity among the audience.

JOIN facts & figures

We’re global,
wherever you are

“Their staff has breadth of knowledge, experience, and it’s clear they can handle large enterprise clients…”
Thomas Edison

Glassdoor Average rating (as Sept 19, 2019)


Adam Smith 10:23am
I need a successful strategy for my company.


Dan Green 10:24am
Our ability to use research to inform strategy is the best and changes from different consulting companies

our Clients

Trusted by thousands
of leading businesses



“Their business advisors had an impressive ability to delve deep into our market and domain. By taking the time to understand our business, they have been able to provide great solutions…” Adam SmithCEO of ITideas


“Their business advisors had an impressive ability to delve deep into our market and domain. By taking the time to understand our business, they have been able to provide great solutions…” Alex BuoyegaCEO of ITideas

Meet our professional

We want to improve your business


Ricardo Cooper

Co-Founder and CSO


Wendy Lane

Managing director


Leslie Howard

SVP of engineering


Evan Hawkins

Business analyst


Jorge Edwards

VP of sales


Bessie Mccoy

SVP of engineering

We are hiring,
join the team

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Get in touch

If you are looking for a job and you are good in consulting send your resume to us